About IEHA

What we do...

As an Extension Homemaker, you have opportunities to...

LEARN . . .
  • Meet with friends and neighbors in educational and social settings
  • Share experiences and information
  • Keep up-to-date on new knowledge and research
GROW . . .
  • Experience personal growth and develop skills
  • Form lasting friendships while sharing leadership responsibilities for programs and projects
CARE . . .
  • Make a difference in today's world.
  • Support projects that help children and families live better lives


The Indiana Extension Homemaker Association (IEHA®) state logo depicts three figures representing an adult male, an adult female and a child. The letters IEHA®, our association’s acronym, form an important portion of the home by providing support. The roof of the home extends beyond the perimeter of the design, indicating the influence of IEHA extends beyond the home and family to the surrounding community.
Extension Homemaker Creed
Written in 1930 by Mrs. C.W. Horne, Hendricks County

We believe in the present and its opportunities, in the future and its promises, in everything that makes life large and lovely, in the divine joy of
living and helping others, and so we endeavor to pass on to others that which has benefitted us; striving to go onward and upward, reaching the pinnacle of economic perfection, in improving, enlarging, and endearing the greatest institution in the world, the Home.
Vision Statement

The Indiana Extension Homemakers are dedicated to empowering and enriching the lives of individuals, families, and communities.

Mission Statement

To strengthen families through continuing
education, leadership development, and volunteer
community support.